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Introduction to the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS)

65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America

San Diego Convention Center

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

12:30 - 4:30 PM

NHATS is a new resource for the scientific study of functioning in later life. Funded by NIA, NHATS will enable analyses of disability trends and trajectories in people 65 and older. A nationally representative sample of over 8,000 Medicare beneficiaries was interviewed in Round 1 (2011) and annual re-interviews are planned. This workshop will provide: 1) an overview of NHATS aims, conceptual framework, design, development and content; 2) an introduction to the NHATS website, user guide, data files, data access procedures, and other resources for researchers; and 3) examples and guidance in analytic file construction. In partnership with the Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSS) and the Social Research, Policy, and Practice (SRPP) Sections.